Saggs, H. W. F. The Might that Was Assyria. London, 1984

The Might that Was Assyria
H. W. F. Saggs

Sidgwick & Jackson London

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Език: eng Страници: xi, 340
Ключови думи: История ; Асирия ; цар ; култура ; земеделие ; стопанство ; икономика ; скотовъдство ; литература ; търговия ; общество ; войска ; империя ; изкуство ; медицина ; обичаи
Бележки: Изданието е илюстрирано с карти и снимки. Съдържание: List of Maps...viii; List of Plates...ix; Preface...xi; Part One, Assyria: background and beginnings...2; Early kings of Assyria...23; Hurrian interlude: through vassaldom to independence...35; Assyrian expansion...46; The Middle Assyrian empire...58; The Growth of the new Assyrian empire...70; Imperial prime...85; Zenith and collapce...104; Part Two, Assyrian society and customs...124; The Domestic scene...152; Agriculture, animal husbandry and trade...162; Mastery over the environment: The Assyrians and natural resources...180; The Supernatural world...200; Assyrian medicine...226; Assyrian art...233; The Assyrian army...243; Assyrian writing and literature...269; The Rediscovery of Assyria...289; Bibliography...324; Indexes...29; Proper Names...330; General Index...336; Biblical References...340.
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