Ulker, E. Contextualising ‘Turkification': Nation-building in the late Ottoman Empire, 1908–18. - Nations and Nationalism 11 (4), 2005, 613–636.
Contextualising ‘Turkification': Nation-building in the late Ottoman Empire, 1908–18
Ulker, Erol
Blackwell Publishing London
Описание: Статия, посветена на процесите на национално формиране в последните години от съществуването на Османската империя. Публикувана е в списание Nations and Nationalism 11 (4), 2005, 613–636. Тип файл PDF. Размер на файла 171.8 KB.
Език: eng Страници: 613–636
Ключови думи: статия ; The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism ; Nations and Nationalism ; Османска империя ; Турция ; национализъм ; нация ; религия ; секиларизация ; Нова история ; Съвременна история ; Съвременна история на Балканите ; 1900-1910 ; 1910-1920 ; XX век
Бележки: This article offers an analytical framework for understanding the peculiarities of the Ottoman Empire’s nationality policies in the second constitutional period (1908–18). It will examine the extent to which the nationality policies of the Young Turks can be perceived as a nation-building project, and question whether it is reasonable to apply the term ‘Turkification’ to these policies. The primary goal of the paper in this context is to identify how and to what degree a nationalist outlook shaped imperial polices of the late Ottoman Empire. Engaging in a critical dialogue with the existing historiography, the article argues that ‘Turkification’ should be conceptualised solely as a project of nation-building in the multiethnic Ottoman Empire. It was only one of the policies employed by the imperial elite and it coexisted with other imperial policies ranging from centralisation to decentralisation, assimilation to dissimilation and integration to homogenisation. The paper concludes by contending that only by contextualising and understanding this complexity and only by taking geographical variations into account can the peculiarity of ‘Turkification’ be grasped.
Бележки: Nations and Nationalism 11 (4), 2005, 613–636.